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© Romankoff Development

How I develop websites

I create web projects on one of the best platforms in the world, which allows me to quickly and efficiently bring your ideas to life without doubting the reliability and security

Universal system

In my work I use CMS Joomla!

Joomla — is a free system for creating websites

Why is "free" good? Creating a high-quality website is not the cheapest task. Programmers are very expensive today. So why pay extra for the development of a content management system when Joomla provides free functionality?

The platform has a large number of templates and plugins that allow you to customise your site to your preferences. I know that you may be in doubt because you are used to the idea that free cannot be of high quality... But throw away these stereotypes, because Joomla is a reliable system that does not contain any pitfalls!

CMS Joomla on laptop
2500000 +
sites in the world
6500 +
1500 +
19 +
years of development
Modern technologies

Additional development tools

html logo
css logo
bootstrap logo
uikit logo
figma logo
ubuntu logo
docker logo
apache logo
nginx logo
roundcube logo
php logo
javascript logo
n8n logo
mysql logo
mariadb logo
Stages of work

How I work with you

  • stage one

    Define the website design

    We agree on the appearance of the website based on your preferences. I look at examples of websites on the web that you like

  • stage two

    Approve the structure

    Determine which sections, menu items and pages should be created

  • stage three

    Filling with content

    You send me all the necessary content: logo, texts, high quality photos, etc. with suggestions on what to put and where

  • stage four

    Website delivery and payment

    After making the edits, you pay for the work I have done, I put the site on the hosting, configure and test it

  • stage five

    I give you full access

    You get access (all logins and passwords) to manage your website


Answers to frequently asked questions

What is a "domain" and "hosting"?

A domain is a website address. For example, Domains can be registered in different zones, such as .com, .ru, .org,, etc. Hosting is the rental of server space and capacity. Companies that offer hosting are called hosting providers or hosts. The task of these companies is to make sure that your website is available to users around the clock.

What does "responsive website" mean?

Responsiveness is the ability of a website to "adjust" to different screen sizes. A responsive website looks good both on a monitor (a regular PC) and on a smartphone screen. To display the site correctly, the minimum screen resolution of your device must be at least 1366x768.

What is cross-browser compatibility?

Cross-browser compatibility is a characteristic of a website that implies its correct display in all popular browsers (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari).

What is an "SSL certificate"?

An SSL certificate is a kind of "certificate" of a website that confirms its security for users. On a website with an SSL certificate, users can make purchases and enter passwords without fear for their data. The certificate itself is a set of files installed on the server.

What is SEO and what is included in your tariff plans?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — is a set of measures to improve a website for its ranking in search engines. The better SEO optimisation your website has, the higher it will be displayed in Google or Yandex. Some tariff plans include basic internal SEO optimisation, which involves writing title, meta tags, image compression, and image alt caption, microdata, code optimisation, sitemap creation, customisation robots.txt, registering a website in Google and Yandex search engines, connecting Google Analytics.

Can I pay for the ordered website development online on the website?

At the moment, no. Perhaps in the future, this option will be implemented on the website.

Is it possible to transfer money for development to a bank card?

Yes. You can pay by card or in cash — whatever is convenient for you.

Prices are quoted in US dollars. Do I have to pay in dollars too?

Not necessarily. If you pay in hryvnias, the cost is converted from US dollars to Ukrainian hryvnias at the NBU exchange rate on the day of payment.

When do I need to pay? Do you work on a prepaid basis?

Almost all of my clients come to me on the advice of friends who were my clients and ordered a website.

  • if you are not one of them, you pay 50% after I complete the main page of the site. Then I complete the website and you pay the remaining 50%.
  • if you came on the recommendation of my current and/or former clients — I will not take ANY payments before and during development)! You will pay the full cost of the website after it is fully ready and delivered. Mandatory conditions: let me know who recommended me to you; only Kyiv city and a mandatory face-to-face meeting.

What countries/cities do you operate in?

At the moment — only Ukraine, Kyiv. Acceptance of the order involves a mandatory face-to-face meeting with the customer.

Why does it cost so much?

The prices for my website development services (with advanced functionality) are much lower than the market prices. You can see for yourself here.

Why are your prices so cheap?

As a rule, website development is a team effort. First, the designer draws the layout, passes it to the designer, who in turn passes the finished layout to the programmer, and finally, the finished site is optimised by an SEO specialist. Have you done the maths? That's right, in some Web studio the site will be created by AT LEAST 4 (!) people and you will have to "feed" each of them... For more than 12 years of work, I have mastered everything to fulfil your order ALONE without the help of others. That is why the price of development is several times lower than in Kyiv web studios.