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How to add smooth scrolling to a site: step-by-step instructions

smooth scrolling on the site

Smooth scrolling on a website is a function of scrolling a web page up or down by scrolling the mouse wheel or using your fingers on the touch screen. At the same time, you can observe such a visual effect as smoothness (instead of instant and sharp movement), which in turn makes viewing the site's content more attractive and convenient for users. Today I will give you a short tutorial on how to add smooth scrolling to your site.

This video shows how page scrolling looks like before and after adding the script

How to add smooth scrolling to the site?

To do this, we will need to connect the following JavaScript in the site (or page) template, namely between the tags <head> </head> :

<script src="" integrity="sha256-huW7yWl7tNfP7lGk46XE+Sp0nCotjzYodhVKlwaNeco=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

In addition, you can also add the following code (below the previous one) to quickly and conveniently make changes to the smooth scroll settings to suit your needs:

animationTime : 800,
stepSize : 75,
accelerationDelta : 30,
accelerationMax : 2,
keyboardSupport : true,
arrowScroll : 50,
pulseAlgorithm : true,
pulseScale : 4,
pulseNormalize : 1,
touchpadSupport : true,
This table describes the parameters of the smooth scrolling behavior that you can change as you wish
animationTime Scroll time (400 = 0.4 seconds)
stepSize Step size in pixels
accelerationDelta Acceleration
accelerationMax Maximum acceleration
keyboardSupport Keyboard support (false if not)
arrowScroll Scroll step with keyboard arrows in pixels
touchpadSupport Touchpad support (false if not)

I hope you managed to decorate your site with this wonderful effect of smooth scrolling, but if you have difficulties with this or for unknown reasons the script did not work - please ask questions and I will help you solve this problem 😉

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