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© Romankoff Development

Center of foreign languages "Effect"

*Keep in mind that possible changes made by the client after the project has been handed over to them may make the site look different from the one in the portfolio


The long-term experience of the Center of foreign language «Effect» confirms its high place among the best foreign language courses in Kyiv. However, the greatest source of pride for this educational institution is student satisfaction. Every year, more than 70% of the new students of the center come on the recommendation of their relatives, friends or acquaintances, becoming an integral part of the large friendly "Effect" families. This is how employees of many ukrainian and foreign companies have already received language training.

The center works with modern teaching methods, uses interactive technologies and various creative approaches to ensure the best result for each student.

By developing communication skills, «Effect» gives their students the opportunity not only to learn the language, but also to use it in practice. All their classes are based on real situations and tasks that help students learn not only grammar and vocabulary, but also develop communication skills and adapt to an intercultural environment.

Project tasks

The directorate of the foreign language center «Effect» asked me to undertake the development and implementation of a modern website. Taking into account the careful analysis of the design concept of the project and the support of the customer, we determined the main goals that should be implemented in the development of this site.

My goal was to create a site that would reflect the professionalism and modernity of the foreign language center «Effect». I had to ensure its ease of use, bright and attractive design, as well as high page loading speed. In addition, the site had to be fully adapted for use on different devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones.

The main functions of the site will be aimed at facilitating communication between the «Effect» foreign language center and its clients. Detailed information about all educational programs, teachers and class schedules should be posted on the website. In addition, clients will be able to register for language courses or make an appointment for a consultation at a time convenient for them.

It should be possible for all users of the site to take online tests, not just students of the foreign language centre, to determine their level of foreign language proficiency.

Also, I had to provide the website of the foreign language center «Effect» with integration with social networks, which would allow clients to be informed of all the news and promotions held at the center. In addition, a special page for customer reviews should be created on the site, where they can share their successes and satisfaction with learning.

Thanks to this new and modern website, the foreign language center «Effect» will be able to increase its popularity and attract more customers.

Result of the work

The video presentation of the website will show you its stylish design, user-friendly interface, and various functionalities.

Promotional video for the adaptive website of the foreign language centre «Effect»

Therefore, in order to effectively implement the project, taking into account the priorities and wishes of the customer, the following actions were performed:

Internet marketing was carried out

To popularize the site, a set of Internet marketing activities was carried out, which included:

  • development and promotion of the site in search engines;
  • creating and placing advertisements in social networks;
  • site registration on thematic resources.

Designed user interface

The site's user interface was designed with usability principles in mind to make it as simple and convenient to use as possible.

When designing the interface, the following factors were taken into account:

  • ease of orientation on the site;
  • visibility and informativeness of interface elements;
  • ease of actions by the user.

Adaptive design and page structure developed

The design and structure of the site pages have been developed in such a way that they meet the requirements of responsive layout and look good on different devices.

Adaptive layout allows the site to automatically adapt to the screen size of the device on which it is viewed. This ensures comfortable use of the site on various devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones.

Processed and optimized graphics

The graphics of the site have been processed and optimized for fast loading and better display on different devices.

The following methods were used in graphics processing:

  • compress image files to reduce their size;
  • use of modern image formats that provide high image quality with small file size.

Separately created Blog

A separate "Blog" section was created on the site, in which news, articles and other materials related to the site's subject matter are published.

A blog allows you to establish communication with site visitors, share information and opinions with them.

Filled with textual information

The site was filled with textual information that included:

  • description of the subject of the site and its goals;
  • information about the services offered on the site;
  • help and support for site visitors.

Online testing was introduced

The website has implemented an online test for all users to determine their level of foreign language proficiency. In order to pass the test, the test taker has to answer 40 questions. Each question has only one answer option. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points that can be obtained is 40. You have 30 minutes to complete the test.

Possible test results
Number of points scoredLanguage proficiency level
The score is less than or equal to 10 an elementary level of knowledge
The score falls between 11-25 a lower than average level of knowledge
The score falls between 26-35 an intermediate level of knowledge
The score is between 36-40 a high level of knowledge

Multilanguage added

The site has been translated into several languages to make it accessible to more visitors.

Adding multilanguage allows you to attract visitors from different countries to the site.

Created object animation

In order to add dynamics and attractiveness to the site, animation of individual objects was created.

Animation can be used for various purposes such as:

  • attracting users' attention;
  • improvement of text readability;
  • emphasis on important elements.

Course registration form has been created

The site has created a form for registering for the courses offered on the site.

An entry form can be used to collect information about potential customers and their needs.

The site was placed and configured on hosting

The site has been hosted and configured to be accessible to users from all over the world.

Hosting is a service that provides storage and access to a website on the Internet.