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© Romankoff Development

International film festival "New energy"

*Keep in mind that possible changes made by the client after the project has been handed over to them may make the site look different from the one in the portfolio


The «New energy» project invites you to an unforgettable event where you can meet prominent figures in cinema and television. This festival creates a unique atmosphere where filmmakers share their experiences and present their new works, reflecting the modern language of cinema and the aesthetics of the new age.

This international film festival, created specifically to identify talented young filmmakers, aims to create conditions to support creative ideas, innovation and promote the best traditions of the school of outstanding masters of national cinema.

"The «New energy» project provides an opportunity for young talents to express themselves and gain recognition in the world of cinema. The festival seeks to support and promote the development of creative ideas and innovation in cinema."

This film festival is a place where film lovers gather to enjoy the best films from national and world cinema. It is an opportunity to see the unique creations of famous directors and discover new talents.

The opening screen of the international film festival «New energy»

Project tasks

As part of the project of the international film festival «New energy», a comprehensive development and implementation of a modern website was carried out in order to effectively inform participants about all the necessary information about participation in the festival. After a detailed analysis of the design concept of the project and coordination of all technical solutions with the customer, the main tasks for the development of the site were determined.

One of the main tasks was to create a modern and attractive design that would match the image of the festival. The website had to be convenient and easy to use, providing quick access to all the necessary information. A clear structure of the site was developed, which helped participants easily find the necessary information and register for participation in the festival.

Result of the work

In the end, in order to successfully implement the project, taking into account all the wishes of the customer, the following was done:

  • Internet marketing activities have been carried out
  • developed user interface
  • created responsive design and page structure
  • processed and optimized graphics
  • filled with textual information
  • object animation is implemented
  • participant registration completed
  • multilingualism implemented
  • basic SEO optimization was carried out
  • site is placed and configured on hosting