Directorate of the Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business.
Kyiv national university of culture and arts (KNUCA) is an advanced institution of higher education of the fourth level of accreditation. To date, the university has 10 faculties that provide training in 33 specializations. For more than 55 years of its existence, the university has educated more than 40,000 qualified specialists in the field of culture and art of various directions.

KNUCA – it is an educational institution that combines a high level of professional training and rich cultural experience. The university offers students a wide range of educational programs and opportunities to develop their talents and creative potential. Each faculty has its own characteristics and specializations, which allows students to choose exactly the path that corresponds to their interests and ambitions.
Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business KNUCA prepares specialists for a successful career in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students acquire knowledge and skills in the field of management, marketing, restaurant business, hotel service, etc.
Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business — it is a modern educational institution that offers world-class education. The faculty has a powerful material and technical base, highly qualified teaching staff and actively cooperates with providers of the hospitality and tourism industry.
Faculty students have the opportunity to complete internships in leading hotels, restaurants and travel companies of Ukraine and the world. This allows them to gain the practical skills and experience necessary for a successful career.
Project tasks
In order to fully inform applicants about all the necessary information about admission to a certain specialty of the Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business, a decision was made to comprehensively develop and implement a modern website. A detailed analysis of the design concept of the project and discussion with the customer made it possible to determine the main tasks for the development of the site:
1. Develop the design of the interface, all sections and pages
The design of the site interface should be simple and intuitive for users. It should correspond to the general concept of the site and be consistent with its target audience.
The following factors must be taken into account for the development of the interface design:
- Target audience of the site. Who will use the site? What are their needs and expectations?
- General style of the site. What mood and atmosphere do we want to create on the site?
- Functionality of the site. What functions and capabilities should the site have?
The development of the interface design includes the creation of layouts of all sections and pages of the site. Layouts should be drawn in detail and contain all the necessary interface elements.
2. Create animation of individual blocks and site elements
Animation can be used for various purposes such as:
- Attracting users' attention. Animation can be used to draw users' attention to certain elements of the site.
- Improving the readability of text. Animation can be used to improve the readability of text on a site.
- Emphasis on important elements. Animation can be used to focus users' attention on important elements of the site.
The following factors must be taken into account when creating an animation:
- Purpose of animation. Why do we create an animation effect?
- Duration of the animation. How long should the animation effect last?
- Animation speed. At what speed should the animation effect occur?
Animation should be harmonious and not distract users from the main content of the site.
3. Implement adaptive html layout
Adaptive layout allows the site to automatically adapt to the screen size of the device on which it is viewed. This ensures comfortable use of the site on various devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones.
For the implementation of adaptive layout, it is necessary to use appropriate technologies and tools.
Responsive layout is an important aspect of modern website development. It allows you to make the site more accessible to users and increase its ease of use.
4. Implement a registration system to collect data on future students
The registration system allows applicants to apply for admission to the faculty. It also allows you to collect data about future students that can be used for analysis and planning.
The registration system should be easy to use and understandable for applicants. It should include all necessary fields for entering information.
The registration system is an important tool for the faculty. It allows attracting more applicants and obtaining information that can be used to improve the educational process.
Result of the work
The video presentation of the website demonstrates its modern design, various functionalities and ease of use on various platforms, including computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
In order for the project to be successfully implemented in accordance with the wishes of the customer, the following steps were performed:
1. Internet marketing
A set of activities was carried out to promote the site on the Internet, including search engine optimization, site registration on thematic resources and social networks.
These measures are aimed at making the site more visible and accessible to users, as well as increasing the number of visitors.
2. Designed user interface
The site's appearance has been carefully designed to make it easy to use and understandable for users.
The interface is convenient, attractive and corresponds to the target audience of the site.
3. Adaptive design and page structure have been developed
The design and structure of the site pages have been developed, which are automatically adjusted to the screen size of the device on which the site is viewed.
This allows for comfortable use of the site on any device.
4. Processed and optimized graphics
The graphics of the site are processed and optimized so that they are not only of high quality, but also correspond to the target audience and do not slow down the loading of the site.
Graphics are used both to decorate the site and to convey information to users.
5. Filled with textual information
The site is filled with textual information that is relevant, useful and interesting for users.
Text information on the site is well structured and easy to read.
6. Added "Conferences" section
As prestigious scientific and practical conferences are regularly held at the faculty, a corresponding section was created on the website where you can upload, view and download various documents in .pdf format.
7. Animation of objects has been created
Animated objects have been created on the site, which are used to attract users' attention, improve text readability, and emphasize important elements.
The animation is harmonious and does not distract users from the main content of the site.
8. Registration of applicants
The site implements a registration system for applicants, which allows them to apply for admission to an educational institution.
The registration system is easy to use and understandable for applicants.
9. Basic SEO optimization was carried out
Basic optimization of the site for search engines has been carried out, which increases its visibility in search results.
SEO optimization included measures such as optimization of titles, meta tags and site content.
10. The site was hosted on hosting
The site is hosted on quality hosting and configured for work.