Directorate of the Faculty of directing and show business of the Kyiv national university of culture and arts.
The Kyiv national university of culture and arts (KNUCA) is an outstanding university that trains qualified specialists in the field of culture and arts. It has the IV level of accreditation and consists of 10 faculties offering 33 specialisations. For more than fifty years of its existence, KNUCA has trained more than 40,000 specialists who successfully work in various fields of culture and art.
Faculty of directing and show business — is a unique educational institution that is the only one of its kind in Ukraine. It has many years of experience in training highly qualified professionals in the field of directing and show business. Thanks to its internationally acclaimed curricula, students gain the in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary for a successful career in this field. The faculty collaborates with leading experts and teachers who help develop students creativity and create unique projects. Graduates of the Faculty of directing and show business successfully work in various fields of culture and art, demonstrating their professional ingenuity and talent.
The faculty also has developed international cooperation with leading universities around the world. Students of this faculty can take advantage of an excellent opportunity to do internships and exchange experience with colleagues from other countries.
This allows students to gain valuable international experience and expand their professional prospects. The Faculty is proud of its cooperation with such prestigious universities, which confirms its high professional reputation.

Faculty of directing and show business of KNUCA — is an ideal place for those who dream of a successful career in the field of mass events. Thanks to a team of recognised professionals and modern technical facilities, students have a unique opportunity to become a professional director or actor and develop their talents.
Project tasks

Develop and implement a modern website of the faculty according to the provided layout, in order to provide applicants with all the necessary information about admission to a certain specialty of the faculty of directing and show business. After a detailed analysis of the design concept of the project and discussions with the customer of all technical solutions, the main tasks for the development of the site were formulated, namely:
- Create a site, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer, as well as adhering to the principles of web design. To do this, you must first carefully study the provided layout, then divide it into separate blocks and elements, and then combine them into a single whole. At the same time, it is important to comply with all technical requirements, such as aspect ratio, font sizes, color scheme, etc. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of navigation and user interaction with the site.
- Create an animation that will be appropriate and aesthetic, as well as match the overall style of the site. To do this, you need to decide on the goals of the animation, and then develop its script. Then you need to choose the appropriate tools and technologies for creating animation. It's also important to test the animation on different devices to make sure it works correctly.
- Create a form that will be convenient and intuitive for applicants. For this, it is necessary to think over its structure and design. It is also important to ensure the security of the data that will be entered into the form. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of sending messages to the e-mail of the faculty directorate.
Result of the work
I put a lot of effort into creating this site, taking into account all the nuances and requirements of modern web design to ensure its successful launch. The following complex of works was performed:
- a marketing strategy was developed and an advertising campaign was conducted;
- created a convenient and intuitive interface that meets the requirements of users;
- all graphic elements are optimized for fast loading of content;
- the site is filled with various, thematic textual information that corresponds to the tasks of the project;
- animated effects were implemented, which significantly increased the attractiveness and interactivity of our website;
- the site was hosted and configured on high-quality, fast and reliable hosting.