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© Romankoff Development

Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business v2.0

*Keep in mind that possible changes made by the client after the project has been handed over to them may make the site look different from the one in the portfolio


Directorate of the Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business.

KNUCA — is a higher education institution of the IV accreditation level. As of 2021, the university has 10 faculties and trains students in 33 specialisations. Over the 55 years of its existence, the university has trained more than 40,000 specialists in various fields of culture and art. Among the university's graduates are famous actors, directors, musicians, artists, journalists, cultural critics, and managers. The university is one of the leading higher education institutions in Ukraine in the field of culture and art. It trains highly qualified specialists who have the opportunity to realise their creative potential and make a significant contribution to the development of culture and art in Ukraine.

Project tasks

Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business of the Kyiv national university of culture and arts decided to develop a modern website to inform applicants about admission to the faculty's specialities.

For this, a detailed analysis of the design concept of the project and discussion with the customer of all technical solutions was carried out. Based on this, the main tasks for the development of the site were set:

  • Develop the design of the interface, all sections and pages

The design of the site interface was developed taking into account modern web design trends. It was made in bright and rich colors that emphasize the dynamism and energy of the faculty.

  • Create animation of individual blocks and site elements

Animation on the site was used to make it more interesting and attractive for users. Animations were applied to elements such as navigation, background images, and other design elements.

  • Implement adaptive html layout

Adaptive html layout allows the site to be displayed correctly on different devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones.

  • Implement a registration system to collect data on prospective students

The registration system allows applicants to leave their contact details for further communication with faculty representatives.

Result of the work

adaptive site of the Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business on PC, laptop and smartphone
The adaptive site of the Faculty of hotel, restaurant and tourism business is equally convenient for use on any device

For the successful implementation of the project, taking into account the wishes of the customer, a number of important tasks were performed:

Internet marketing

In order for the site to be visible in search engines and to be found by potential applicants, internet marketing work was carried out. This included the creation and promotion of the site in social networks, contextual advertising and search engine optimization.

Designed user interface

The design of the site interface was developed taking into account modern web design trends. It was made in bright and saturated colors.

Adaptive design and page structure developed

Responsive design allows the site to display correctly on different devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones. The structure of the pages has been designed in such a way to provide users with quick and easy access to the necessary information.

Processed and optimized graphics

Images and other graphic elements on the site have been prepared for quick loading and high-quality display on various devices. This was done by measures such as reducing the size of images and using high-quality image file formats.

Filled with textual information

The site was filled with relevant, informative and interesting text for users. This included news, articles, photos, videos and other materials.

Created object animation

Animations were created on the site, which can make it more interesting and attractive for users. Animations were applied to elements such as navigation, background images, and other design elements.

Created photo gallery with categories

A photo gallery was created on the site, which contains photos from various events held by the faculty. The photo gallery allows users to see how the faculty works and what it offers to applicants.

Integrated YouTube channel of the faculty

The YouTube channel of the faculty was integrated on the site. This allows applicants to watch videos about the faculty to better understand its activities.

Registration of applicants

A registration system for applicants was implemented on the site. This allows applicants to leave their contact details for further communication with faculty representatives.

Basic SEO optimization was carried out

In order for the site to be well indexed by search engines, basic SEO optimization was carried out. This included optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, as well as creating links to the site from other resources.

The site was placed and configured on hosting

The site was hosted on high-quality hosting, which guarantees its stable access for users.

As a result of these tasks, a modern and informative resource was created that meets the high quality standards of the faculty. The site allows applicants to get all the necessary information about admission to the faculty's specialty, as well as to leave their contact details for further communication with faculty representatives.